How to fold a large table into a triangle?

Folded Triangle Table

Do you love the look of a triangle table but don’t know how to fold it? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to fold a triangle table.


Step 1:Prepare materials

To fold a triangle table, you will need a square piece of paper and a ruler or straightedge.

Step 2:Measure size

Measure the length of your square paper to determine the size of your triangle table. A good rule of thumb is to use a paper that is at least 2 times the length of your final triangle.

Step 3:Fold the paper

Start by folding the square in half diagonally, creating a triangle shape. Use the ruler or straightedge to ensure that the edges are parallel and the corners are sharp. Once you have folded the paper into a triangle, unfold it and place it on top of another triangle that is the same size. Make sure the edges are aligned and the corners are sharp.


Step 4: Lift and fold

Lift the bottom flap of the larger triangle up and fold it over the top triangle, making a small triangle. Then, lift the bottom flap of the smaller triangle up and fold it over the top triangle, creating a larger triangle. Keep lifting and folding until you reach the desired size of your triangle table.

Step 5: Trim the excess paper

Once you have reached the desired size of your triangle table, trim any excess paper from the edges. You can do this using scissors or a craft knife.


Step 6: Assemble the table

Now that your triangle table is folded and trimmed, it’s time to assemble it. Simply place the larger triangle on top of the smaller one, making sure the edges are even and the corners are sharp. There you have it! A beautiful and functional triangle table that you can be proud of.

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