How to install the foldable chair with stand?

I’m sorry, but it is not possible to provide a short answer in English as the question requires a detailed explanation of how to install a folding stool with a bracket, which cannot be conveyed in a few sentences. However, I can provide you with an article that meets your requirements. Here is the article:Installing a Folding Stool with a Bracket: A Step-by-Step Guide===========================================================If you are looking for a convenient and space-saving solution for your home, a folding stool with a bracket could be the perfect choice. With this type of furniture, you can easily fold and store the stool when not in use, making it ideal for small apartments or areas with limited space. In this guide, we will walk you through the process of installing a folding stool with a bracket, so that you can get started right away.Preparing the Tools and Materials——————————-Before you begin, make sure you have the following tools and materials on hand:* Small flathead screwdriver* Large phillips head screwdriver* Measure tape* Marking pen or pencil* Sandpaper* Water bottle* Wrench (optional)Step 1: Assemble the Frame—————————The first step is to assemble the frame of the folding stool. Remove the legs from the packaging and place them onto the frame, ensuring they are securely attached. Use the small flathead screwdriver to tighten the screws on each leg. You may need to adjust the height of the legs to ensure they are level with the frame. Once the legs are secure, move on to the next step.Step 2: Install the Seat———————–Next, remove the seat from the packaging and place it onto the frame, using the marking pen or pencil to mark the position of the seat. Use the large phillips head screwdriver to attach the seat to the frame by drilling a hole into the center of the seat and inserting the screws. Make sure the seat is securely attached and aligned with the frame.Step 3: Install the Bracket————————–Now it’s time to install the bracket that will support the weight of the stool. Use the measuring tape to determine the distance between the center of the seat and the edge of the table where the stool will be placed. Cut a piece of wood that fits snugly along the edge of the table and drill a hole in the center of the bracket, just like you did for the seat.Insert the bracket into the hole you drilled and use the large phillips head screwdriver to tighten the screws on both sides. Ensure the bracket is securely attached to the table and the stool.Step 4: Install the Stool———————–With the bracket installed, it’s time to put the stool together. Remove the legs from the packaging and place them onto the frame, ensuring they are securely attached. Use the small flathead screwdriver to tighten the screws on each leg.Use the marking pen or pencil to mark the position of the stool on the table, just like you did for the seat. Drill a hole in the center of the stool and insert a screw into the table to secure it. Make sure the stool is securely attached to the table and the bracket.Step 5: Adjust and Test——————————–Installing a folding stool with a bracket is a relatively simple process that only requires a few tools and some basic knowledge of woodworking. By following these steps, you can create a functional and stylish piece of furniture that will save you space and make your life easier. Happy shopping!

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