What should I do if the rhodonite is not shiny?

If the rhodonite is not shiny, you can put it on the windowsill, expose it to the sun for about half an hour, then rinse it with clean water and wipe it with a clean cotton cloth to restore its brightness. When wearing rhodonite jewelry, it is not recommended to do housework to avoid collision and damage. At the same time, keep it dry to prevent the rhodonite from changing color.

How to restore the red stone if it is not bright

What should I do if the rhodonite is not shiny?

If the rhodonite is no longer shiny, you can place it on a windowsill, terrace or other place where it can be directly exposed to sunlight for about 30 minutes. Then rinse the rhodonite with clean water and wipe it with a clean cotton cloth to restore its shine.

What should I do if the rhodonite is not shiny?

Rhodonite has a relatively low hardness, and even a slight bump may cause damage, affecting the appearance and wearing effect. Therefore, when wearing rhodonite jewelry in daily life, try to avoid doing housework or carrying heavy objects.

What should I do if the rhodonite is not shiny?

When wearing rhodonite jewelry, dust and other dirt often cling to its surface, so it is necessary to clean it regularly to keep it clean. At the same time, it is also necessary to keep it dry to prevent the rhodonite from changing color.

Why does rhodonite become more red the more you wear it?

The more you wear rhodonite, the redder it becomes, mainly because of the body oil. When you wear rhodonite for a long time, it will absorb the oil secreted by the human body, making the surface of the rhodonite oily. When the oil in the rhodonite accumulates to a certain level, it will form a layer of patina on the surface. The longer you wear it, the more obvious the patina is, which deepens the color of the rhodonite.

The reason why rhodonite becomes more red the more you wear it

Why does rhodonite become more red the more you wear it?

The more you wear rhodonite, the redder it becomes, mainly because of the body's oil. There are many tiny pores in rhodonite, and when people wear rhodonite, the oil they secrete will penetrate into the rhodonite through these pores, making the surface of the rhodonite oily and enhancing the depth of color.

Why does rhodonite become more red the more you wear it?

Secondly, when the human body oil in rhodonite reaches a certain level, a patina will form on the surface. The longer the rhodonite is worn, the more obvious the patina will be, which will make the color of the rhodonite darker.

Why does rhodonite become more red the more you wear it?

In addition, when people wear rhodonite, friction will occur between the human skin and clothing, which will have a soft polishing effect, making the surface of the rhodonite shiny and look crystal clear.

How to demagnetize rhodonite

Rhodonite can be demagnetized using a geode cluster by placing it on a geode cluster overnight. You can also use incense to demagnetize it by lighting sandalwood or agarwood and placing the rhodonite next to it. You can also use mineral water to demagnetize it by soaking the rhodonite in mineral water for 24 hours.

1. Geode Cluster

How to demagnetize rhodonite

Rhodonite can be demagnetized using a geode cluster. Place the rhodonite to be purified in it, leave it overnight, and then take it out the next morning to complete the demagnetization. This method is recognized as very effective.

2. Incense

How to demagnetize rhodonite

Burn incense such as sandalwood or agarwood in the room. After the fragrance fills the air, place the rhodonite next to the incense to demagnetize it. The fragrance will purify the rhodonite's magnetic field, thus achieving the demagnetization effect.

3. Mineral water

How to demagnetize rhodonite

Put the rhodonite into a container, then pour mineral water into it to submerge the rhodonite, and soak it for twenty-four hours to balance the negative energy contained in the rhodonite, thereby achieving a demagnetizing effect.

The meaning and efficacy of rhodonite

Rhodonite represents passion, symbolizes the harmony of love and family, can cheer people up and make them full of energy. It also represents love. Rhodonite has the title of Cupid's Stone, which can increase the fate between people. Rhodonite has the effect of relieving depression, can make people feel comfortable, and thus relieve the inner depression.

The meaning of red stone

1. Passion

The meaning and efficacy of rhodonite

Rhodonite represents passion, because the color of rhodonite is very rich and warm. It symbolizes the harmony of love and family, and has the meaning of strength and enthusiasm. It can also make people cheer up and be full of energy.

2. Love

The meaning and efficacy of rhodonite

Rhodonite symbolizes love. Because rhodonite has the title of “Cupid's Stone”, it is also a famous stone of love. Wearing it on the body can make people have a certain attraction, make others pay attention to themselves, and thus increase the fate between people.

The effect of rhodonite

1. Relieve depression

The meaning and efficacy of rhodonite

Rhodonite has the effect of relieving depression, because rhodonite corresponds to the heart chakra of the human body. When worn, it can make people feel happy, improve their emotions, make people become enthusiastic, and thus relieve inner depression.

2. Enhance interpersonal relationships

The meaning and efficacy of rhodonite

Rhodonite has the effect of enhancing interpersonal relationships because the energy in rhodonite can provide people with confidence, enable people to open their hearts, make people's emotions gentle, and allow people to release their inner sense of loss.

How long does it take for copper alloy jewelry to fade?

Copper-gold-plated jewelry will fade after wearing for half a year. If a person sweats a lot and does not pay attention to daily maintenance, it will generally fade after wearing for 1 to 2 months. Copper alloy jewelry is made of copper and other metals. The reason why it fades is that the surface is plated with a layer of gold, which will fade after being stained with sweat. If you find it, you can apply a layer of colorless nail polish to alleviate it.

Copper alloy jewelry will fade after wearing for half a year

How long does it take for copper alloy jewelry to fade?

The time it takes for copper alloy jewelry to fade depends on personal maintenance. Generally, it will fade after six months to a year of wearing. If a person sweats a lot and does not take care of it on a daily basis, the copper alloy jewelry will fade after 1 to 2 months of wearing.

How long does it take for copper alloy jewelry to fade?

Copper alloy jewelry is made of copper and other non-metallic materials that are melted and cooled. The reason for the discoloration is that the surface of copper alloy jewelry is gold-plated. If it is contaminated with sweat, oil and other substances, a chemical reaction will occur, causing the gold plating on the alloy to fade.

How long does it take for copper alloy jewelry to fade?

If copper alloy jewelry fades, you need to clean the surface with soapy water first, then apply a layer of colorless nail polish to prevent it from fading again, which can also fix the color to a certain extent. If the fading is serious, it is recommended to take it to a jewelry store to have a layer of gold soldered on top to restore its previous luster.

How to identify rhodonite

To identify rhodonite, you can look at its luster. Real rhodonite has a glassy or sub-glassy luster, while fake rhodonite has a dull halo. You can also look at the stripes. Real rhodonite has milky white stripes on its surface, while fake rhodonite does not have this physical characteristic. You can also look at its hardness. Real rhodonite has a low hardness and is easy to leave obvious scratches on the surface, while fake rhodonite has a high hardness and is not easy to leave marks.

1. Gloss

How to identify rhodonite

To identify rhodonite, you can look at its luster. The surface of real rhodonite is glassy or sub-glassy, ​​and different halos can be seen under strong and weak light. Fake rhodonite has a dull halo by nature, and the glossiness of the surface will disappear in a weak light environment.

2. Stripes

How to identify rhodonite

To identify rhodonite, you can look at the stripes. The stripes on the surface of real rhodonite are milky white, which is the biggest physical characteristic of rhodonite. After cutting, you can see circles of red and white patterns inside. Fake rhodonite does not have this physical characteristic.

3. Hardness

How to identify rhodonite

To identify rhodonite, you can look at its hardness. The real rhodonite has a lower hardness, with a Mohs hardness of only 3 to 5. If you scratch its surface with a sharp object, it will easily leave obvious scratches. The fake rhodonite has a higher hardness and no scratches can be seen on the surface.

Can I wear Sugilite to sleep?

You should not wear Sugilite when sleeping, because it will cause pressure on the body and affect the quality of sleep. When people are sleeping, their body consciousness is blurred, which will cause unconscious bumps and damage the Sugilite, so it is not recommended to wear Sugilite when sleeping.

You can't wear the sudokala to sleep

Can I wear Sugilite to sleep?

Sugilite is hard and may make people feel uncomfortable, so you can take it off when you go to bed and carefully place it in a soft place to better maintain it.

Can I wear Sugilite to sleep?

Sugilite is a gemstone called sodium ferrosilicon. It comes in three colors: purple, red, and blue, with purple being the most common. The luster of Sugilite is between wax and glass, with a semi-transparent texture. Its main production areas are South Africa, the United States, and Japan. The scientific name of Sugilite is sodium lithium ohumiite, also known as Sugilite, and is also known as the “Millennium Stone.”

Can I wear Sugilite to sleep?

Sugilite is a rare gemstone, known as the “national gemstone of South Africa”. It is produced in small rock beads of nepheline syenite. Its main component is silicon oxide, and it contains various metal elements such as potassium, sodium, iron, and lithium, so it is also very precious.

The efficacy and price of Sugilite

Sugilite is a new favorite in the jewelry industry that has become popular in recent years. As a type of jade, it is also called the “Millennium Stone”. It was first discovered by a Japanese geologist in the 1960s. Because it is produced in relatively few places, only in China, Japan and South Africa, and its colors are quite eye-catching, it is sought after by many young people.

The efficacy and price of Sugilite

Sugilite has always been regarded as an auspicious gemstone because of its health care, especially its effect on cancer treatment. Many wearers also said that after wearing Sugilite, they can feel physically and mentally happy, and their previous irritable and eccentric temper has also been restrained. Some elderly friends also said that wearing Sugilite jewelry has the effect of promoting blood circulation and unblocking meridians, and has a certain effect on joint bone diseases. Today we will talk about the effects and functions of Sugilite and what is its price?

The efficacy and price of Sugilite

First, let's talk about the higher-grade Sugilite, which has a translucent resin luster. This type of natural energy has some energy properties, which can help eliminate cancer and negative energy, help people stabilize their emotions, and thus improve interpersonal relationships. During meditation, it can help the human body quickly reach a state of ecstasy, circulate the magnetic field from the inside out, balance the secretion of the pineal gland, and improve symptoms such as endocrine disorders. The rare cherry blossom and amethyst Sugilite has a magical effect on improving migraines.

The efficacy and price of Sugilite

As office workers, we usually work with computers more often. This kind of electromagnetic radiation is an invisible harm to the human body. However, after wearing Sugilite jewelry, we can use its inherent trace elements and minerals to improve the radiation content in the human body. It is equivalent to raising a pot of green plants in the office area, thereby isolating the damage of radiation.

The efficacy and price of Sugilite

The difference between wearing Sugilite and other natural gemstones is that its effects do not take too long to show up. Generally speaking, you only need to wear it for three weeks to feel some subtle changes in your body. For example, some people with bad tempers or introverted people, especially those with liver diseases who have bad tempers, will have less resentment and be more polite to people around them. This is also a change from the inside out. Next, let's talk about the price of Sugilite.

The efficacy and price of Sugilite

According to relevant data, in recent years, due to South Africa's restrictions on the export of Sugila, its price has been rising again and again. In particular, in just half a year, the price of Sugila rough stones has risen by about 30%, and the price of finished products has doubled compared to last year. Friends in the collecting community have already paid attention to its appreciation value, but it is undeniable that as the price of Sugila increases, counterfeiting will gradually appear.

The efficacy and price of Sugilite

At present, most of the stones on the market are purple dragon crystal instead of sugilite, or dyed stones. The counterfeiting of this kind of stone is relatively low, about thirty to fifty yuan (per gram), while the genuine sugilite can cost up to two hundred yuan (per gram) depending on its quality. If it is a fine jade species, it may cost tens of thousands (per gram). This has attracted many people's attention to its value. As a rising star in the collection world, its increase is obvious to all. Therefore, its price in the next few years is worth paying attention to.

The efficacy and price of Sugilite

In general, Sugilite has been sought after by everyone because of its rare origin and beautiful appearance. Its good health-preserving effects are also visible to everyone. Friends who like it can make a rational choice.

How to play and maintain Sugilite

Keep away from hard objects. The hardness of Sugilite is not high, and collision with hard objects will damage its surface. Clean it regularly, and do not let it come into contact with chemicals during cleaning to avoid discoloration. Avoid high temperatures. Sugilite must be kept away from high temperatures, as high temperatures will damage its internal structure and cause rapid loss of water.

1. Stay away from hard objects

How to play and maintain Sugilite

When wearing or playing with sugilite, you should also avoid bumping it against hard objects. Sugilite gemstones are not very hard, so bumping against hard objects can cause scratches on the surface, and in severe cases, cracks may form.

2. Clean regularly

How to play and maintain Sugilite

Sugilite must be cleaned regularly when playing with it. Playing with it for a long time will cause some dirt and dust on the surface of the sugilite. Cleaning the dirt on the surface of the sugilite regularly will help it to color evenly. When cleaning, be sure to avoid contact with strong alkaline chemicals such as bleach, laundry detergent, toothpaste, shower gel, etc., otherwise it will cause the surface to corrode and lose its luster.

3. Avoid high temperatures

How to play and maintain Sugilite

When playing with Sugila, you must keep it away from high temperatures. Sugila should not be exposed to the sun or placed near a heater to bake. High temperatures will cause the moisture in the internal structure of Sugila to be lost quickly, resulting in cracking.

Which color of Sugilite is more effective?

Sugilite is a relatively young type of jewelry, produced mainly in Japan and South Africa. Because of its dazzling colors and popularity among women, it is considered a health treasure by many young people. Today, let’s talk about the colors of this high-end gemstone and what effects these colors have.

Which color of Sugilite is more effective?

Sugilite mainly has two colors, red and blue, which are combined in different proportions to form dark blue, reddish purple or dark purple. These three colors can be further divided into the following sub-colors:

Which color of Sugilite is more effective?

The purple series, represented by imperial purple, purple-red, and pink-purple, are relatively pure in themselves. Wearing sugilite accessories of this color can make people calm and composed. Wearing them at night can also calm the nerves and help with sleep. If worn for meditation, the effect will also be very good. It can not only help the wearer look back on the past, but also look at future plans more rationally. These are all helpful for individuals to reduce their inner anxiety, especially when important events occur. Wearing it to sleep can have a miraculous effect.

Which color of Sugilite is more effective?

Ice peach red series, represented by purple, pink, and bright peach. These colors of accessories are more youthful, and they help the wearer awaken the childlike innocence. Sometimes we are busy with affairs and suffer from overwork, but we often forget why we set out at that time. When we are tired and confused, wearing this color bracelet for meditation is very helpful for us to regain our original intention and relax our body and mind. The effect will be better if we wear it in the morning.

Which color of Sugilite is more effective?

Ice violet color system, represented by pink purple and wine red. These two colors are more spiritual among several color systems. This spirituality can play a certain warning role when we talk to ourselves under the moonlight, promote our reflection and planning, and at the same time, it has a good inspiration effect on some friends who are trapped in love.

Which color of Sugilite is more effective?

Opaque colors, representative colors are black, green, gray, and brown. These colors are darker and purer in texture. They are not conspicuous when worn on weekdays, but wearing them in the afternoon can help us explore the unknown more. They also have a certain effect on promoting blood circulation and unblocking meridians. They are more suitable for wearing when doing aerobic exercises such as yoga or jogging. In particular, the black series has a miraculous effect on opening up the seven chakras.

Which color of Sugilite is more effective?

Other colors, represented by yellow and white. These two colors are relatively rare, and we don’t usually notice them. They are more often paired with purple. We can see that yellow bracelets and white bracelets are more suitable for students to wear, especially when they are under great academic pressure. Wearing them to take a break can help open up your mind and activate your thinking.

Which color of Sugilite is more effective?

Wearing Sugilite has become a popular trend in the Taiwan Strait region in recent years, and its effects in health preservation or treatment are obvious to all. We are exposed to many troubles in our daily work or study life, and the pace of life is fast. Using the magnetic field inside Sugilite for self-regulation is a good way. Only by sorting out and paying attention to our own energy can we better release it to serve us.

Which color of Sugilite is more effective?

That’s all for today’s sharing. I hope that friends who wear Sugilite can regain the courage and confidence in life from it. I also hope that more and more friends will join in the charm of Sugilite. If you like our content, you can forward it or share it with your friends around you to enjoy it together. You are also welcome to pay attention to our future sharing.